Discovery Shooting Club Inc. Elliston, NL
Upper Humber Rod and Gun Association
Labrador Trap and Skeet Club, Labrador City, Labrador
The Gander Rod and Gun Club. Gander, NL
International Defensive Pistol Association NL (IDPANL)
International Practical Shooting Confederation Newfoundland and Labrador (IPSC)
Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights
Government of Canada Shooting Clubs and Ranges Regulations
Government of Canada Firearms Act
Newfoundland & Labrador Department of Fisheries and Land Resources
Canadian Trapshooting Association
Atlantic Provinces Trapshooting Association
Amateur Trap Shooting Association
Canadian National Sporting Clays Association
Useful Youtube videos for Sporting Clays
Dominion of Canada Rifle Association
Winchester ballistics calculator
The Outdoor Supply Store, Lewisporte, NL