Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone use the Club facilities?

The Club is for the sole use of members and their guests and well as organizations renting the facility. The only exception to this are organized shoots advertised as open to the public.

Can I rent the Club and its facilities for a stag party or other social gathering?

No, the Club facilities are not for rented for such purposes.

How do I join?

Please visit the Members Info tab and scroll down to the Membership Application. You must have a PAL or Certificate of good conduct from the RCMP or RNC to join. You may also join as a spousal member or junior member.


I pay the annual membership, when does it expire?

Our membership year runs from March 1 – February 28, so all memberships expire Feb. 28, irrespective of when it was paid. Club membership fees are not pro-rated.


How can I pay for my membership?

Membership payment is made through the online membership system. We do not accept cash, cheque or money orders.


What’s the orientation course for?

The orientation reviews safety procedures and how to operate at each of the Ranges at the club. It is a mandatory requirement. All those attending an orientation course should familiarize themselves the Range Operation Instructions and Safety Procedures posted on the website under Members Info.

Does the club have any facility where I can safely store firearms?

The club does not provide storage facilities for firearms or ammunition. 

I’m a member and want to renew my membership. When I complete the renewal form and submit the fee I’m automatically accepted, right?

No. Renewals and even existing pre-paid multiyear members are subject to the same review by the Board as are applications for new members. The executive reserves the right to reject any application.

What are Club hours?

In general, the club can only be used for the purposes of firearms (or archery) use between one-half hour before sunrise or one-half hour after sunset.

How do I know what’s going on at the Club?

Club events are posted on the home page (scrolling calendar), under Members Info on a monthly event calendar, and special notices and events can be found in Recent Updates on. the home page. We may also email members for specific purposes.

Does the Club close during the winter?

Maybe! The Board has a budget for snow clearing of the road. No ranges are cleaned off. Once the snow removal budget is used up, then there will be an announcement the club is closed.  Do not expect access after a major snowfall. Please contact the Range Bookings and Scheduling contact to determine if the range is open during the winter.

Does the club provide firearms and ammunition?

No, you must provide your own.

What safety equipment do I need?

Shooters and non-shooters at the ranges must provide and wear ballistic rated safety glasses and ear protection. Clay shooters are advised to wear a hat with a brim.

Are there rules and regulations at the club?

Definitely. Please read the Range operating instructions and safety procedures posted under Members Info.

How many employees does the club have?

The only aspect of the clubs operations where there may be a contract employee is for membership processing. Otherwise the club is entirely run and maintained by volunteers.

 How can I help?

  1. a) Please clean up after yourself. Brass must be picked up and placed in buckets provided on Range B. Shotgun hulls must be picked up and are garbage.
  2. b) Remove targets from stands on Range B and A. 
  3. c) Place all your garbage in the appropriate container. Garbage cans are provided, but please do not put large boxes, targets, or brass in them. Garbage bags can be found in the Longbranch, and most containers should have a spare one at the bottom of the container. Full garbage bags can go in the silver-gray garbage container beside the brown barn building near Range B.
  4. d) Large targets, coroplast (backing for targets), and boxes can go in the white plastic bin across from the Longbranch. Do not put empty clay boxes in the Longbranch.
  5. e) Wood for repair of target stands on B can be found beside the large garbage bin near Range B. Screws and washers for replacing coroplast can be found in the Longbranch. BRING YOUR OWN TOOLS.
  6. f) Wood for repair of target stands on A can be found beside the safety table on A. Coroplast, screws and washers can be found in the Longbranch.
  7. g) DO NOT USE boulders or large stones to weigh target stands down on A. These are safety hazards. Use sand bags.
  8. h) If you are a participant in sporting clays - please ask if your help is needed before leaving.


I would like to report a range safety concern.

There is a Report An Incident link on the Navigation bar of the club website for your use. Your report will go to the appropriate Director on the club Executive And will be dealt with.

NOTE: many times a member may have forgotten or be unaware that what they are doing is unsafe. Please offer assistance, without being confrontational.

If that does not work, try to obtain their name, note the time and license plate number of vehicles in the area. All of these can be reported to the Board who will follow up.

I have a Range usage question.

Refer to the Range Operating Rules and Safety Instructions or contact appropriate Committee Chair. Any member of the Board should be able to help you.

As a member, can I bring a guest?

Yes. Members may bring guests to the range but each guest must be 100% supervised (at arms length) while shooting on the range. That means if you bring more than one guest, only one guest may shoot at a time. If you are shooting, none of your guests may shoot. Individuals may make three (3) trips to the club as a guest, after that they need to apply for club membership. ALL guests must sign into the guest register before shooting activities begin and deposit $5.00 daily fee into the box located next to the sign in register for liability insurance fee.

Is there a club phone?

No. Please use email to contact Board members or Committee Chairs. Only if there is a serious incident or accident call 911. After that or should you need non-life threating help should you try to contact us by phone. Most people read  email on their phones, and contact are provided on the Contact Us tab of the main webpage.

© St. John's Rod and Gun Club